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Atmospheric Trace MOlecule Sensing Lab.


2021 한국대기환경학회(KOSAE)

작성자대기오염물질측정연구실  조회수1,224 등록일2021-10-27
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Observation-constrained  Changes in  Ozone  Production Characteristics-what is the Future of Precursor  Reductions?
Begie  Perdigones 1),  Soojin  Lee1),  Ronald  C.  Cohen2),3),  Jeong-Hoo  Park4),  Kyung-Eun  Min1) 1)School  of  Earth  Sciences  and  Environmental  Engineering,  Gwangju  Institute  of  Science  and  Technology, 2)Department  of  Chemistry,  University  of  California,  Berkeley, 3)Department  of  of  Earth  and  Planetary  Science,  University  of  California,  Berkeley, 4)Climate  and  Air  Quality  Research  Department,  National  Institute  of  Environmental  Research,  Incheon

미세먼지  개선  실효성  파악을  위한  측정소별  장기  변화  추이  다각적  분석
강형석,  이수진,  민경은광주과학기술원  지구환경공학부

북극지역  여름철  반응성  염소계화합물  분포
남우희, 민경은 광주과학기술원  지구·환경공학부